Monday, July 28, 2008

Seeing Inside People - How Romantic or Spiritually Beautiful are You?

I have often heard women say that if only some guy could see inside her he would love her. Even some guys express this idea in regard women. I would have to question what it is that makes them so sure? Is there some reason why I should perceive myself as something so wonderful inside that a woman couldn't resist but to love me?
I have some interesting news, for those who feel this way, to consider. During our pre-existence we felt inside each other. We can still do this if we get in touch with our inner being. As I am somewhat in touch with my spirit inside, I have no trouble feeling inside women. And can do so as deeply as I wish. I do it all the time.
So what have I found looking in women? Women definately have a greater self-perception of being romantic than men. However the vaste majority of women are just about average (obviously). The reality is that highly spiritualy beautiful (inside) women are as rare as hen's teeth. Oh, I wish it were otherwise. I've met ONE (married already guys).
Some may see themselves as being irresistable inside because they see themselves as super romantic? If so I would have to ask what is it that would make one person any more truly romantic than the next person? Most women seem to regard themselves as, not only being more romantic than men, but also more romantic than other women. To be more romantic requires more sensitivity than others. Great sensitivity requires greater spirituality - being in touch with your heart (spirit).
Most people let their spirit die (in that they don't give it true freedom). I have found that, generally speaking, people are alive until about the age of 18-20 when they begin to die inside. What happens about then is that people tend to feel they have worked life out overall. They have lost a lot of hope in regard the future (expectations of what our personal life will hold): They've become more "realistic". Further age, and particularly divorce, tend to increase the degree of internal death.
Members are better than non-members, in general (of course). But the next question I would ask anyone, feeling this way, to consider, is what great spirituality have they acheived and by what method has it been acheived?
Let me pose some criteria of judgement for your consideration. How much service do you do to others? Without actively demonstrated compassion how can anyone claim more sensitivity? Do you see the light of the Holy Ghost in you? Have you ever had Jesus Christ speak to you personally? Have you gone further and had Heavenly Father come and speak to you personally? Have you gone further and often walked and talked with God, as some have?
If a person truly wants to make themselves beautiful inside and reverse the problem of internal death there is an answer that Christ gave. The answer is to become as a little child inside. Listen to Heavenly Father with the faith of a child and the child will be revived. Let your spirit (heart) live. Obey more than just what you are commanded. Seek the Spirit to help you in expanding your understanding of spiritual principles to live. That way you are living on a higher standard of personal righteousness and will be more sensitive to heart feelings.
Of course this requires an acceptance of the fact that hope in the future can be totally revived. We aren't bound by our surroundings or the people in it (or not in it, for that matter). We must come to God and seek more light and knowledge, as Adam did. And then more and more. THEN if someone actually sees in you (and people do to some degree, even though they may not be aware of it) they will love what they see.

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